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February 29, 2024

Best Practices For The New "Search Themes" Of Performance Max Audience Signals

Stay ahead of the game with our in-depth analysis of the new "Search Themes" in Performance Max. Explore the best practices to optimize audience signals and achieve exceptional performance.

Best Practices For The New "Search Themes" Of Performance Max Audience Signals
Search Themes Of Performance Max Audience Signals

Have you heard about the latest addition to Performance Max audience signals called "search themes"? If you're wondering how to make the most of this new feature, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll break down what search themes are, how they've slightly changed audience signals, and the best practices for structuring them to optimize your campaigns.

Understanding Search Themes

First things first, let's know about what search themes are all about. Search themes are like the keywords you use in your ads, but for your Performance Max campaigns. They help Google understand what your ads are about and who they should be shown to. Think of them as the building blocks of your ad targeting strategy.

Treating Search Themes Like Search Campaigns

To get the most out of search themes, it's helpful to treat them like you would a search campaign. Just like you organize your keywords into ad groups in a search campaign, you'll want to organize your search themes in a similar way in Performance Max. This means being strategic about how you group and target your search themes based on the goals of your campaign.

Structuring Your Audience Signals

When it comes to structuring your audience signals with search themes, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, consider the level of specificity you want to achieve. If you're running a broad campaign, use broad search themes. If you want to be more targeted, use specific search themes that align with your campaign objectives.

Using Competitive Brands and Keywords

One interesting aspect of search themes is that you can use competitive brands and keywords as specific search themes. However, it's essential to be mindful of trademarks and compliance rules. If a brand has a trademark on their name, it's best to avoid using it as a search theme unless you're sure it's allowed.

Limitations and Recommendations

It's important to note that there are limitations to search themes. You can only add up to 10 search themes, so make sure you choose them wisely. Focus on using the most relevant and high-quality search themes that will have the most significant impact on your campaign performance.


The introduction of search themes adds a new dimension to Performance Max audience signals. By treating search themes like search campaigns and structuring your audience signals strategically, you can maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns. Remember to use competitive brands and keywords wisely, and always prioritize relevance and quality when selecting search themes. With these best practices in mind, you'll be well-equipped to leverage search themes to drive better results for your Performance Max campaigns.