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February 29, 2024

Do Performance Max Campaigns Use Keywords

Using keywords is also essential in your campaigns. Know how to use keywords for Performance Max campaigns.

Do Performance Max Campaigns Use Keywords

Today, let's discuss an interesting question: do Performance Max campaigns use keywords? Some might say no, but let me explain why I believe they do and how we can use keywords to our advantage in Performance Max campaigns.

First off, Performance Max campaigns utilize keyword AI technology. This means it analyzes various factors like landing page content, assets, and product feeds to find converting queries. Based on this analysis, Performance Max generates relevant text ads that match users' intent.

While keywords are not used in the traditional sense, they still play a crucial role in improving campaign performance. So, let's dive deeper into the intricacies of Performance Max and how keywords factor into the equation.

Use Keywords

Understanding Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns harness the power of machine learning to optimize ad delivery across Google's vast network. By analyzing signals such as user behavior, device type, and contextual data, these campaigns aim to deliver ads that resonate with the target audience.

The Keyword Conundrum

Traditionally, keywords have been the cornerstone of search advertising, enabling advertisers to target specific search queries. However, Performance Max operates differently. Instead of relying on predefined keywords, it uses AI technology to interpret user intent and generate relevant ads.

The Role of Keywords

Role of Keywords

While Performance Max may not use keywords in the traditional sense, their relevance should not be overlooked. Here's how keywords can still influence campaign performance:

Optimize Product Feeds: 

For e-commerce businesses, having a well-optimized product feed is key. This includes ensuring that product titles and descriptions are optimized for relevant keywords. A structured and optimized product feed can significantly impact campaign performance.

Relevant Landing Pages: 

It's essential to ensure that landing pages are relevant to the products or services being advertised. When landing pages align with user intent, it improves ad quality and reduces bounce rates, ultimately leading to better campaign performance.

Keyword-Rich Ad Copy: 

Within Performance Max campaigns, ad copy plays a vital role. While we can't target keywords directly, we can include keyword-rich copy in our ads. By aligning ad copy with relevant keywords and user intent, we can improve ad relevance and performance.

Audience Signals: 

In Performance Max campaigns, we can populate custom segments with relevant keywords. These custom segments can be structured based on keyword themes, similar to ad groups in traditional search campaigns. This allows for more targeted ad delivery based on user search intent.

By following these strategies, we can maximize the effectiveness of keywords in Performance Max campaigns and improve overall campaign performance.


While Performance Max campaigns may not use keywords in the traditional sense, there are still ways to leverage keyword insights to enhance campaign performance. By optimizing product feeds, aligning landing pages, crafting keyword-rich ad copy, and utilizing audience signals effectively, we can improve the relevance and effectiveness of our Performance Max campaigns. Watch my video, where I will talk about this topic in detail.