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February 29, 2024

How to Optimize and Improve Results for a Performance Max Campaign | 3-Step Process

3-step process to optimize a campaign for maximum performance and improve results. Read and optimize your campaign.

How to Optimize and Improve Results for a Performance Max Campaign | 3-Step Process

Today, I will share my three-step optimization process for Google Performance Max campaigns. If you've struggled to determine the best way to make your Performance Max campaigns perform better, you're in the right place. I've been working on these campaigns for a while now, and I've got some tricks up my sleeve that I'm excited to share with you.

3-Step Process

Review Asset Group Performance

The first thing we want to do is closely examine how each asset group is performing. Now, if you're running an e-commerce business, this step will be super helpful for you. Head over to your Performance Max campaign and check out the asset groups. You can either use a Google script (which I'll link for you) or go to the listing groups section. This will give you insights into which asset groups are doing well and which ones might need some tweaking.

Explore the Insights Tab for New Keywords

Next up, let's dive into the Insights tab. This little gem is a goldmine for discovering new keywords to target in your campaigns. Scroll down to the consumer spotlights section and filter by conversion value. This will show you the keywords that are bringing in the most value for your campaign. Copy and paste these into your custom segments to expand your keyword targeting and reach new audiences.

Discover New Audiences

Still hanging out in the Insights tab, let's take a look at the audience insights. Here, you'll find out which audience segments are driving the most clicks for your ads. Filter by share of clicks or index to see which audiences are performing the best. If you notice any segments that aren't currently included in your campaign, it's time to add them in. This will help you reach more of the right people and improve your campaign performance.


Three simple steps to optimize and improve results for your Performance Max campaigns. 

  • Review asset group level performance 
  • From the insights tab, find new keywords to add to your custom segment 
  • From the insights tab,  find new audiences to add to your audience signal

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, so feel free to tweak these steps to fit your own style and preferences. Watch my video for more information.