February 19, 2023

Google Ads: Descriptions Ad Copy Template To Create Highly Persuasive Ads (Free Download)

Google Ads: Descriptions Ad Copy Template To Create Highly Persuasive Ads (Free Download)

If you would like to me manage your own Google or Facebook Ads account, then please get in touch here: https://calendly.com/growfmarketing/3...

- Why listen to me?

My name's Josh and I have 4 years of in-house e-com business and marketing agency experience working specifically on Google, Facebook, and Linkedin advertising. I still work for a marketing agency and in my spare time like to break down marketing into its most simple and easy-to-understand form and most importantly provide free frameworks and templates for you to use :)

Copy & paste the framework from here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

Get free access to all of my marketing frameworks here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPWzgRs...

This is the exact framework I use (and you can too) to create Google ads Descriptions that include the persuasive elements needed for high-converting and clickable ads.


00:00 Introduction

00:32 Descriptions breakdown

02:56 Description 1: Offer & Scarcity

03:27 Description 2: Key features/ benefits & Social proofing

04:20 Description 3: Value proposition & Call to action (CTA)

Please let me know of any other marketing tutorials, practices, or frameworks you would like to see :)

How Much Should You Be Spending On Google Ads? (eCommerce Calculator)

How Much Should You Be Spending On Google Ads? (eCommerce Calculator)

How Much Should You Be Spending On Google Ads? [eCommerce Calculator]

Access the calculator here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

Use this free calculator to figure out how much you should be spending on Google ads and the predicted return you will get from it.

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Performance Max Audience Signal Best Practices

Performance Max Audience Signal Best Practices

This video breaks down exactly how I structure an Audience Signal for a Performance Max campaign to maximise ROAS.  Covering the 3 main sections that make up the Audience Signal: Custom Segments, Your Data And Interests & Detailed Demographics.

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Google Ads: 5 Ways To Improve B2B Lead Quality

Google Ads: 5 Ways To Improve B2B Lead Quality

Google Ads: 5 Ways To Improve B2B Lead Quality

If you would like to me manage your own Google or Facebook Ads account, then please get in touch here: https://calendly.com/growfmarketing/3...

In this video, I go over my 5 top tips and tactics to improve B2B lead quality with your Google ads campaigns.

This includes :

- Using targeted audiences within your search campaigns that are related to your business or targeting keywords

- Uploading all lead status changes as conversions - Assigning monetary value to each lead status

- Using a value-based bidding strategy to optimise for customers over leads

- Using a B2B structured Pmax campaign to recycle keyword findings to your search campaigns

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