Google Ads: 25 Sitelink Ad Extension Examples (Free Download)

Google Ads: 25 Sitelink Ad Extension Examples (Free Download)

If you would like to me manage your own Google or Facebook Ads account, then please get in touch here:

- Google Ads: 25 Sitelink Examples (Free Download)

Access the framework here:

By the way, I realised it was 24 not 25 sitelinks once the video was finished, my bad! However, this list will be continually added to.

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Google Ads: Break-Even ROAS Calculator [Free Download]

Google Ads: Break-Even ROAS Calculator [Free Download]

Google Ads: Break-Even ROAS Calculator [Free Download]

Download the calculator here:

Use this break-even ROAS calculator to work out exactly what ROAS you need to achieve in order to break even with your advertising costs.

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Best Practices For Performance Max Audience Signal - Interests & Detailed Demographic

Best Practices For Performance Max Audience Signal - Interests & Detailed Demographic

Work with my agency:

If you would like to partner with my agency to manage your Google or Facebook Ads accounts, then please get in touch here:


This video shows how I layout approach the Interests & Detailed Demographic section of Google Ads Performance Max Audience Signals.

The key is to keep it specific and relevant to your product or service. Then, once you have collected some data, use the insights tab to add in "indexed" audiences to the mix.

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